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How Long Does Ativan Stay in Your System?

Ativan is an oral medication, and it belongs to the class of drugs called benzodiazepine, and it is commonly prescribed for managing a host of conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, and seizure disorder. It is the first line of attack for managing acute stress and allied conditions. It is effective for managing a host of issues and is among the most prescribed medications for managing acute anxiety. Often, a question pops into the mind- How long does Ativan stay in your system? 

About Lorazepam

Lorazepam belongs to the class of drugs called benzodiazepine, and the action onset of medicine is around 25 to 3o minutes when ingested orally and through the IV; the effect of the drug begins within one to five minutes, and the reason why it is the first line of action for managing acute anxiety and seizures.

Oral administration has an intermediate action; the onset is between15 and 30 minutes, and the drug’s peak reaches two hours. Ativan is excreted through the kidneys, and the half-life of the drug is the amount of time the drug will metabolize, and it varies as per the symptoms this is why it is essential to take medicine as advised by your doctor.

How Long does lorazepam stay in the system (urine, blood, saliva, and hair)?

According to the research and studies, the detection window of Ativan varies; therefore, to help you determine how long it will stay in your system.

  •  Ativan in urine: Ativan is detected in urine for up to six days and more as it depends on the other factors, including how long you have been on Ativan is factor that shows up in the urine. In addition, it is essential to stop the drug completely. If you have an impending test, then it is necessary to look for ways through which you can get rid of the Ativan from your system.
  • Ativan detection in Blood: in the bloodstream, Ativan is detected six after ingestion, and at the same time, labs see the metabolites three days after the last use, and it is needless to mention the detection window may be longer when it is used for an extended period, and it may show up in the test for more days in comparison to people who take it for a short duration.
  •  Ativan detection in hair: Ativan is detected in hair samples up to 30 days and more after the last use of the drug, and it is seen much longer. Hair follicle test for the past 30 days and sample will be taken for the scalp, and it can be detected for more than 90 days. 
  •  Ativan detection in saliva: It can be detected in samples for eight hours after use; however, a saliva test is not popular for Ativan detection and is no use for detection when it comes to Ativan detection.

 What are the factors that play a pivotal role?

Many factors contribute to how long one will stay in the body, and many factors play a pivotal role here; we bring you some factors that play an essential element when it comes to detection time.

Some people metabolize faster and get rid of the drug faster than others. Here are some factors

  • Age: Older people clear up the drug slowly compared to young people who have a fast metabolism. On the other hand, older people have slow and dormant metabolism, so it will take more time to chuck out of the system.
  • Renal Function: if you have impaired kidney function or are battling CKD, it may take time to get out of the system. In addition, liver impairment will not have any effect, but on the other hand, kidney issues may lead to prolonged drug life.
  • Built: if you are tall and muscular, it will come out of the system compared to people who are tall and athletic and will get rid of the metabolites quickly compared to the short and stout people.

Ativan stays in the system depending on various factors; therefore, it is essential to take action to get the best results. It is necessary to take up things in the best way, Always take as required and take more than needed as taking more than needed may lead to addiction; therefore, it is necessary to take it as per the instruction of your doctor and do not stop it cold turkey as this may lead to severe withdrawal symptoms.