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How long will Oxycodone Stay in your System?


Pain is a sign from the nervous system that something might be wrong. It is an obnoxious feeling like a sting or burn. The pain can be dull or sharp. It may come and go, or it can be constant. 

Pain helps diagnose problems. If you have never had pain, you might not know that you have a medical condition that needs to be treated.

There are mainly two kinds of pain – Acute and Chronic 

Acute pain usually comes suddenly and is caused by something specific. It is a sharp pain that does not last longer than six months. 

There can be specific reasons for this kind of pain, such as:

  • Surgery
  • Broken bones
  • Burns or cuts

Chronic pain, on the other hand, is the ongoing pain that lasts longer than three months.

Chronic pain can continue even after the injury is completely healed, and pain signals remain active for weeks, months, or even years. 

Few people might experience chronic pain even if there was no apparent body damage in the past. Chronic pain conditions include:

  • Headache
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Nerve pain
  • Back pain
  • Fibromyalgia

Pain Medications 

Pain medications are the drugs that help in reducing or relieving chronic as well as acute pain. There are different types of pain medicines; each has advantages and risks. 

There are three main types of painkillers: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Paracetamol, and Opioids.

The most effective types of painkillers are Opioids. Opioids are a broad group of pain-relieving drugs that interact with opioid receptors in your cell, and it works in your brain and changes how your body feels and responds to pain.

One of the most effective types of opioids is Oxycodone.

What is Oxycodone?

Oxycodone is a synthetic opioid, and it is used to treat moderate as well as severe pain. Its trading names are Oxycontin and Roxicodone, and you can now easily Buy Oxycodone Online from our website.

It is a generic opioid medication, and Oxycodone is prescribed for people above 18.

How long does Oxycodone stay in your system?

Oxycodone is used to treat different pains but is most commonly used for chronic pain caused after surgery. It comes in an immediate-release formulation, and the onset of pain relief begins between 10 to 30 minutes.

Oxycodone is a short-acting opioid removed from your body in less than 24 hours. The time of effectiveness is even shorter, and Oxycodone lasts for up to 4 to 6 hours for pain relief. The effects can be even more lacking in people with a high tolerance for opioids.

Half-Life of Oxycodone

The half-Life of Oxycodone refers to the time needed for half of the drug to leave the system. 

It takes five half-lives for a drug to leave your system oxycodone half-lives for almost three hours. 

This depends on the factors like age, genetics, weight, and overall health.

How is Oxycodone Metabolized?

When you use Oxycodone, it goes through the digestive system and is broken down in the liver. Then the kidneys excrete it via urine, and small amounts are eliminated via sweat. 

Even though the half-life of Oxycodone is approximately 3-4 hours, the metabolic process may last longer.

Some lab tests may detect Oxycodone. How long might it show up on a screening depends upon the test type:

  • In a urine test, Oxycodone can show up from one to three days after previous use.
  • A blood test is based on the half-life of Oxycodone. It will clear in five half-lives or 15 to 20 hours.
  • A saliva test detects it for 1 to 2 days after use.
  • In a hair follicle test, it may take a few days for oxycodone use to show up; it can be detected for up to 90 days after previous use.

Factors that influence how long Oxycodone stays in your system

Several factors affect how long Oxycodone sticks around.

  • Age – Oxycodone can accumulate in older people as they have a slower drug metabolism than younger adults. 
  • Formulations – Oxycodone is available in short and long-acting formulations. It depends on the type of formula you are using.
  • Genetics – Because of genetics, some people can metabolize faster than others. Some people have higher liver enzymes; thus, Oxycodone leaves their body more rapidly.
  • Kidney Health – Oxycodone may take longer to leave the system if a person has kidney problems.
  • Liver Health – Oxycodone breaks down in the liver. Oxycodone may take longer to leave the body if a person has liver disease.
  • Weight – Though weight does not play a significant role, the metabolism will be affected for those who are overweight.